How a Rug Cleaning Service Can Prolong the Life of Your Rugs


Rugs act as filters for the air in your home, removing dust, dirt and allergens that can be harmful to your health. They also help prevent odors from permeating the entire space, making them vital for your wellbeing. Nevertheless, just like carpet and upholstered furniture, rugs require regular cleaning.

The right rug cleaning service can prolong the life of your rugs and ensure they look great and last for years to come. A professional rug cleaning company can also provide this resource, such as moth proofing, anti-microbial treatment, and Scotchgard protection.

Having an expert rug cleaner come in to clean your rugs is an investment that will save you money in the long run. It can also be a big help if you're dealing with stains or are worried about your rug looking shabby.

Routine vacuuming of your rugs helps to keep the accumulated dirt at bay. This is especially important if you have children or pets in the home. Vacuuming should be done at least once a week. A good vacuum cleaner will pick up the smallest dust particles and remove them quickly.

You can use a vacuum attachment with a soft brush or bristles, which will help you get into all the corners of your rugs and remove the dirt that can be buried deep in them. You should avoid using very strong vacuums because they can pull out the fibers of the rug and cause damage.

Spot and Stain Removal: If you have this spot that has stayed on the rug for a long time, a mild soap and hydrogen peroxide solution can be used to remove it. The mixture should be applied to the area and allowed to soak for a few minutes before it is wiped away with a cloth or paper towel. If the stain doesn't completely disappear after a few days, call for help from a professional rug cleaner.

Another option to remove a stain from your rugs is to sprinkle a little baking soda around it. This will soak up the excess moisture and make it much easier to remove.

This method works best with flat woven rugs such as Kilim rugs that are prone to traffic dirt. It's also useful for spotting pet stains on the rug.

Some rugs, such as art silk, can be delicate and have to be handled with great care. It's also helpful to scoop up any foreign matter that might be on the rug, so that it can be absorbed by the rug fibers rather than being pulled out of it.

A professional rug cleaning service will have an expert look at your rugs to determine the type of cleaning that will be appropriate for them and will use the proper methods to clean them. This will ensure that your rugs will be cleaned without harming them and will give you peace of mind that the cleaning will be completed efficiently.

Steam Cleaning: A professional rug cleaner will steam clean your rugs to remove any dirt that is embedded within them. Depending on the type of fabric, this may be used on synthetic fibers or wool rugs. Check out this blog to get enlightened on this topic:

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